Barrett Legacy Estate Solutions

Starting a new job is an exciting new chapter in your life. Depending on your company’s onboarding process, there can be a lot of moving parts. You may feel overwhelmed by the introduction and review of the many different types of employee benefits. Not only are there forms to be filled out, they need to be filled out properly to ensure that your true financial and estate planning wishes are carried out.


Beneficiary Designations

Beneficiary designation forms are an effective way for you to choose who should receive the death benefit from your employer-provided life insurance policy or the balance of your retirement account if either or both of these benefits are being offered to you as part of your employment. The beneficiary designation forms allow you to name a primary beneficiary and a contingent beneficiary (as backup in case the primary beneficiary is deceased or does not want the money). You have several choices when naming a primary beneficiary. You can choose one person, two people to split the death benefit or account, a charity, or even a trust. Note that, in some circumstances, your employer’s plan may require that your spouse be listed as the primary beneficiary of the retirement account or consent to someone else being named as primary beneficiary.


Because the beneficiary designation will override anything written in a will or trust, it is important that you complete this form properly. If you do not fill it out and subsequently die, the account or death benefit will be distributed according to the default rules of the account or policy agreement, which may give the balance to your spouse or heirs, as defined by the plan agreement or applicable state law, or to your estate, which will require your loved ones to go through the costly, time-consuming, and public probate process and could result in adverse tax consequences because of a shorter payout period.


Stock or Other Ownership Interests

If you are being offered company stock or other ownership interests as part of your employment benefits, it is important that you understand what that entails before you sign any forms. Experienced financial, tax, and estate planning professionals should be contacted so they can help you understand what you have received. To properly plan, you need to know


To safeguard the employment benefits you may be offered, a foundational estate plan is key to tying everything together for a successful future.


Joining a new company is an exciting adventure. In addition to the human resources representative at your new company, we are here to help you protect the legacy you are in the process of building by creating a proper estate plan.