Barrett Legacy Estate Solutions

Estate Planning Considerations for Couples with an Age Gap

With couples of similar ages, planning for the future is naturally a joint effort. However, if you are married to someone who is significantly older or younger than you, the future can look different and mean different things to each of you. To protect yourself, your spouse, and other loved ones, you need to have […]

Why a Joint Pour-Over Trust May be Right for You

Yours, Mine, and Ours: How Including a Pour-Over Trust Can Simplify Your Planning   A number of married couples think about their accounts and property as “yours, mine, and ours,” especially if either or both spouses have gotten or will be getting remarried, married late in life, or have brought or will be bringing significant […]

Estate Planning: A New Year’s Resolution for Your Family

Estate Planning: A New Year’s Resolution for Your Family In January, callers to our office echo a common refrain: establishing or updating their est ate plan is a New Year’s Resolution. Being newlyweds, Tyler and I can relate. On your seemingly endless to-do list, estate planning may feel more like a “have to” than a […]

Bankruptcy’s Effects on Estate Planning

Bankruptcy’s Effects on Estate Planning Bankruptcy may be one of the last things on your mind when you are creating an estate plan. Fortunately, the number of bankruptcy filings has declined over the past several years, but there were still a whopping 544,463 bankruptcy filings in 2020.[1] What happens to your estate if you file […]

Questions First Responders Must Consider to Best Protect Their Loved Ones

Thank you for all that you do for us. We understand that being the first one on the scene can come with many different risks. We are dedicated to protecting you and your loved ones from the different types of emergencies that may pop up during your life. The following are some important questions for […]

Types of Life Insurance and How They Can Be Used in Estate Planning

Many of us do not start thinking about life insurance until we get our first full-time job and the company’s human resources representative asks us if we want to enroll in the employer’s group life insurance policy. Most people think “Why not?” and sign up, naming a family member as the beneficiary of their policy, […]

What You Should Know about Life Insurance

Part of protecting your loved ones when you pass away is making sure that you have a proper estate plan in place. Another aspect is making sure that the right amount of money is available to carry out your goals for their futures. Life insurance has helped many people provide for their loved ones in […]

Helping Family Members in Need

So many people are struggling with a substance-abuse problem, living on the streets, or suffering from mental disability – or all three simultaneously. Many families want to assist family members struggling like that, but families are unsure how to offer that assistance, given that money might hurt more than help. Especially inheritances, which can come […]

Estate Planning for Vacation Homes

Many families enjoy going to their vacation homes. Sharing time and creating memories is the hallmark of such properties, and often there is a desire to preserve the home’s ownership within the family system for generations to come. Yet, even seemingly harmonious families can experience discord and exasperation when parents are no longer alive mediate […]

What Happens to a Dead Beneficiaries Inheritance

If your beneficiary is no longer, what happens to your inheritance? You may be wondering whether if you leave property to your brother Jim, but he dies before you, would his kids inherit the property in his place? The answer is, only if your will explicitly states as much. To ensure your document is correct, […]