Barrett Legacy Estate Solutions

Wills vs. Trusts: A Quick & Simple Reference Guide

Confused about the differences between wills and trusts?  If so, you’re not alone. While it’s always wise to contact experts like me, it’s also important to understand the basics. Here’s a quick and simple reference guide:

What Revocable Living Trusts Can Do – That Wills Can’t

What Wills Can Do – That Revocable Living Trusts Can’t                     

What Both Wills & Trusts Can Do:

WARNING: There is such as a thing as irrevocable trusts, which can only be changed under certain circumstances, using very specific methods.

While some of the differences between wills and trusts are subtle; others are not. Together, we’ll take a look at your goals as well as your financial and family situation and design an estate plan tailored to your needs. Call me today and let’s get started.